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About ATM 

ATM - Azienda Trasporti Milanesi is 100% owned by the Municipality of Milan. A historical operator of public transport in the capital of Lombardy and its metropolitan area, today the ATM Group is one of the protagonists of sustainable mobility in Europe, with a leading presence in Denmark and Greece.

Pioneers of sustainable mobility and main actors of Milan's transformation

In Milan, we manage the entire system of metro lines, trams, trolley buses and buses together with integrated mobility services: bike sharing, car parks interchanging with the public transport network, on-street parking and access to limited traffic zones.

The future of public transport in Milan is electric

We already purchase electricity solely generated from renewable sources. Our transition plan includes the total renewal of the bus fleet with electric vehicles only, an innovative charging infrastructure, self-production of energy and the conversion of depots and maintenance processes.

Technological innovation, operational excellence and consolidated know-how

From the various modes of public transport (traditional and automated metros, trams, buses, trolley buses, cable cars, bike sharing) to the engineering of vehicles and infrastructures, from the digitalization of the travel experience to smart mobility solutions with a strong innovative component: ATM's experience and expertise cover the entire value chain of mobility services, with solutions capable of making public transport an increasingly reliable, efficient, and attractive alternative.

Italian roots with a strong vocation for internationalization

We are among the first operators in Europe in the management of automated metro systems. In addition to the M4 and M5 lines in Milan, we have been managing the entire metro network in Copenhagen since 2008 and will open Greece's first driverless metro in the city of Thessaloniki. The ability to compete in international markets is the value on which we want to continue to build our growth.

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