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Contactless pay as you go  

In Milan, you can pay directly with a credit or debit card, or a smart device wallet on all our transport services.

  • Avoid the queue for tickets
  • No extra charge, the cheapest fare is applied
  • Contactless payment is only accepted on ATM transport services. It is not valid on S lines and rail services. 

Pay the metro as you go with a credit card

  1. Touch your card on the reader to open the orange ticket gate at the start of your journey
  2. Touch out at the end of your journey to exit

Always use the same device or contactless card to touch in and out at the orange ticket gates (even where validation to exit is not required). If one reader doesn’t work, try another one. Every station is equipped with at least two gates enabled for contactless payments.

Pay as you go on trams, buses and trolleybuses within Milan

If you travel only within Milan or between Milan and zone Mi3:

  1. Touch your card on the reader when you board
  2. Touch out at the end of your journey only if you travel on one of these routes: 121, 130, 140, 165, 166, 327. The cheapest fare will be applied

Just like other surface lines, you don't need to touch out at the end of your journey.

Always touch out beyond Milan urban fare limits

If you travel

  • between Milan and another municipality
  • outside the Milan urban area, within other municipalities

always touch you card on the reader at the start and use the same card to touch out at the end of your journey. If you don't, the cheapest fare cannot be applied.

How to get the cheapest rate

  • Use the same card at every transfer.
  • Always use the same card especially if you make several journeys during the day. After the fourth one, the system applies the daily fare.
  • Touch out if you travel on one of the surface lines listed above.
  • Touch out at the end of a journey made beyond the Milan urban area. 

Contactless cards, Apple and Samsung Pay

  • Contactless bank cards issued by Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Maestro and VPay can be used to pay as you go for travel. Prepaid Postepay cards issued by VISA and PagoBancomat debit cards are not accepted.
  • You can use mobile payments (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and so on) with devices associated with a bank card such as phones, watches or other smart devices.

Please let us check

You just need to show the card or the device that you used. All our ticket controllers are equipped with a digital device that verifies the transaction and makes sure the passenger is eligible to travel.

When are charges applied?

The charges might be applied a few days after the date of your journey depending on your bank’s transaction procedures. 
You can see the charges in the reserved area of the ATM website (you have to sign up).

:: FAQ - 1) Travelling using contactless payment

What happens if I don’t tap out when leaving the station?

The system calculates the correct fare only if you tap in and tap out when leaving.
If you don’t tap out the system recognizes where you entered but not where you exited or vice versa, therefore an extra cost will be applied which will be the maximum fare for where you entered to the furthest station.

You must tap out when you leave even if the barriers are open.

What happens if, before getting off above ground transport, I don’t tap out?

On some lines running in Milan and surroundings, you must tap both in and out before getting off, this is because the fares can change depending on zones travelled.

If you don’t tap in when getting on and tap out when getting off, the system can’t understand the trip travelled therefore cannot apply the best fare.

In the paragraphs at the beginning of this page you can find a list of the lines that you must both tap in and tap out before getting off.

What happens if I change device during my journey?

The system can’t calculate the best fare because it is not able to understand that the journey has been done by the same person. Always use the same device for the whole journey: the same physical card, the same digital card, the same phone or the same watch.

What happens if after one try the barriers do not open?

Check the color of the card reader’s light, if it is red then it could be one of the cases named in the FAQs.

Do you need to register to pay contactless?

No, you don’t need to register but we do suggest that you register on atm.it and save your card: from your personal area you can see all payments and details from your trips.

Can I use the same card for other people to travel?

No. Any card or device can allow only one passenger at a time.

:: FAQ - 2) How much does a ticket cost?

Are there any commissions?

No, no commissions, you only pay the fare for the journey.

How is the ticket cost calculated?

The contactless system applies the cheapest fare.

If you only take one trip, the system applies the cost of one ordinary ticket (fare based on how many zones travelled).

If you take more trips within the duration of the ticket, the system will still apply the ordinary ticket price and nothing else. E.g., If you take multiple trips in the Mi1-Mi3 zone within 90 minutes, the system will apply the €2.20 fare because the fare permits multiple journeys so long as they are within the 90-minute ticket duration.

If you take multiple trips throughout the day, from the fourth trip the system will apply the day fare as opposed to 4 standard tickets.

Does the cheapest fare get applied on a weekly and monthly basis as well?

No. For now, the system calculates the cheapest fare on a daily basis (24 hours from your first journey).

What is the daily fare?

7.60 € if travelling in zones Mi1-Mi3. You can find the daily fares for the other zones HERE.

:: FAQ - 3) Paymets

When is the payment taken?

The cost of the ticket is calculated the day after. The payment could be taken up to three days later (depending on the card circuit or bank). Extra costs (those applied when the system hasn’t been used correctly) are taken at least 4 days later.

Where can i see the payments?

On this site on your personal area. There you can see your payments and find out what they refer to by looking at the payment detail by the cost.
Alternatively, you can see payments on your bank statement, they can be recognized by the payment detail “Cless Ticket ATM Milano”.

FAQ - 4) Extra costs or unknown payments

What is an extra cost?

It is a cost that is applied when the system cannot understand the exact journey taken during your trip.

In what cases are extra cost payments taken?

CASE 1. You used a card at the start but not the end of your journey, or you used one device to start your journey but a different device to finish your journey. In these cases the system cannot understand your exact journey therefore the maximum fare is applied as if you travelled to the furthest point from where you started your journey.

On the metro you didn’t tap in when starting your journey but you tapped out upon leaving. In this case, the system cannot understand the starting station, therefore a total cost of 5€ is applied and taken in two separate payments on different days: 2.20€ (ticket cost) + 2.80€ (extra cost)

When and how are the extra cost payments taken?

Extra cost payments are taken at least 4 days after the journey in a separate payment. For this reason you will see more payments for the same journey.

Where can i see the extra costs paid?

In your personal area on this site, if you have registered your card. You can recognize the extra cost by reading the payment description.

If you have registered your card in your personal area on this site, you can recognize the extra cost by reading the description by the payment amount.

Alternatively, you can go the an ATM Point with your card or device used alongside an ID card to be able to see your payments.

How much are the extra costs?

For the Metro

  • +1.30 € if you tapped in at a station in Milan but didn’t tap out.
  • Between +0.50 and +1.80 € if you tapped in at a station outside of Milan but didn’t tap out.
  • 5 € If you didn’t tap in when entering. The total is the sum of two payments on different days: 2.20€ (ticket cost) + 2.80€ (extra cost)

For trams, buses and trolleybuses

  • +0.50 € on lines travelling in zones Mi1-Mi3, if the journey finishes within zone Mi3
  • between +0.40 and +1.30 € on these lines: 121, 130, 140, 165, 166, 327

I payment was taken for 1.30 euro for a journey that i didn’t take! Why?

Most likely it is an extra cost for a previous journey taken even days earlier that you didn’t tap out when leaving. To learn more check the answer above.

If you have registered your card in your personal area, you can see the extra cost by reading the payment details. Alternatively, you can go to an ATM Point with the card used and your ID card to be able to check your payments.

An unrecognized payment was taken and i haven’t travelled recently! Why?

Most probably it’s an extra cost from a journey taken even days ago which when entering or exiting you didn’t tap your card at the metro or when getting off above ground transport. Not following the steps, the system applies an extra cost as it cannot determine the correct journey taken.
If you have registered your card on this site you can recognize the extra cost by reading the payment description next to the amount. Alternatively, you can go to an ATM Point with the card used and your ID card to be able to check your payments.

I received an SMS from my bank saying that ‘’a payment of XX euro has been authorized”. Why?

It is a pre-authorization payment by the banking circuit and not dependent on our system. Depending on the circuit, amounts between 2 and 10 euros. The circuit with then take the correct fare based on it’s operations (payment cancellations/refunds…)

Why doesn’t my card work?

  • The card isn’t part of the accepted circuits
  • The card is insolvent (the account doesn’t have enough funds for the transaction, the card is blocked or other reasons)
  • The card has expired
  • The card is part of the accepted circuits but it isn’t contactless.

In any of these cases we recommend speaking directly to your bank, they will be able to identify the reason for the problem.

Contactless cards have this symbol: 

FAQ - 5) Virtual cards on phones and watches

Do payments work using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and other banking services on phones, watches and other devices?

Yes, the system works with all devices where a card has on an accepted circuit has been registered.

WARNING: Physical cards and virtual cards cannot be swapped during the same trip. You must use the same device (referring to the same card) if you want the cheapest fare.

Can i register my virtual card in the personal area of the ATM website?

No, this isn’t possible.

How can i see ticket payments made using a virtual payment (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, etc.)?

Currently it’s not possible to do so via your personal area on this website (It will eventually be possible once standards have been defined). You can request ticket payments at one of our ATM Points. Remember to bring your ID and the device used to pay.

FAQ - 6) Where can and can’t you pay using contactless payments

What public transport can i pay using contactless?

All ATM lines that have been equipped with contactless readers (metropolitan, bus, tram, and trolleybuses) across all of the STIBM fare area. Contactless is not accepted on other operator’s services like Trenord trains, nor railway lines (S lines).

Can i use contactless payments on railway S lines?

No, contactless payments for now, are not in service on S lines, trains that pass the railway or trains of Trenord or other operators.
So, if you entered the metropolitan using a contactless payment and you need to change to get one of the S lines at one of the interchanging stations (Porta Venezia, Repubblica, Garibaldi or Dateo) you must exit the metropolitan tapping out at the contactless barriers, then buy a new ticket for the S lines.

:: FAQ - 7) Ticket checks and fines

What do i do if a ticket inspector asks to see my ticket?

You simply show them the card or device used when tapping in.

Who says that when checking my card that data privacy isn’t violated?

The ticket inspector’s handhelds maintain the anonymity of the cards data.

::FAQ - 8) Sicurity

Is there a risk that my card could be cloned?

No. Our card readers are all POS certified by the authorizing banks. Our system satisfies all security standard required for any contactless payment operation.

Who says that when checking my card that data privacy isn’t violated?

In no way does ATM memorize the card or card owner’s details.

:: FAQ - 9) Refunds

I got to my destination but the turnstile is broken, how do i get out?

If a turnstile doesn’t work, try using a different one. All metropolitan stations have at least two contactless turnstiles to leave.

All contactless turnstiles were broken and i left without tapping out. Will I have to pay an extra cost?

When you don’t tap out an extra cost is automatically applied. To ask for a refund please read the answer to the question below.

When can you get a refund?

When turnstile breakdowns or contactless reader problems have happened that prohibit you finishing your journey. In these cases, you need to go to an ATM Point with the card and an ID card to verify the case.

How can i request a refund?

  1. Bring the card and the device used to travel to an ATM Point or the customer support office in viale Stelvio 2. Our staff can check travel dates and times to check payments.
  2. If the payments are unrecognized, fill in this form. You will be contacted by our Customer relations office.

We recommend keeping all documents and details from your journey: ATM doesn’t keep contactless card details.

What to i need to bring to ask for a refund?

  • A valid ID card
  • The card and device used (the card has to be in the name of the person asking for the refund)

How is the refund paid?

Via bank transfer or tickets.



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